Explore The Heartbeat of Anime in Japan
Our first stop is Akihabara, Tokyo - the mecca of all things anime, manga, and gaming. With its dazzling neon lights and towering anime billboards, Akihabara immerses you in the energy and excitement of Japanese pop culture. Don't miss visiting 'Animate', the largest retailer of anime, games, and manga in Japan. Its multi-story building is jam-packed with an impressive range of merchandise.
Nakano Broadway
Venture off the beaten path to Nakano Broadway, a shopping complex known for its vintage anime and manga goods. It's a paradise for collectors seeking rare items and unique finds.
Ghibli Museum
Next, visit the Ghibli Museum in Mitaka, a must for fans of legendary director Hayao Miyazaki. This magical museum showcases the creative process behind Studio Ghibli's iconic films, such as "My Neighbor Totoro" and "Spirited Away."
Ghibli Park
The enchantment continues with the Ghibli Park has opened in Aichi Prefecture in 2023. This anticipated theme park will feature attractions based on various Ghibli classics, offering an immersive journey into Miyazaki's imaginative worlds.
Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo
Our final destination is the Pokémon Center Mega Tokyo in Ikebukuro, the biggest Pokémon Center in Japan. Stocked with a plethora of Pokémon goods, it's a haven for fans of the beloved franchise.
Japan's anime scene is an exhilarating blend of creativity, imagination, and cultural immersion. Come and explore these anime hotspots, a dream journey for any otaku visiting Japan.
Experience Japan Anime Dreams
Japan's anime scene is an exhilarating blend of creativity, imagination, and cultural immersion. Come and explore these anime hotspots, a dream journey for any otaku visiting Japan.